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    DC Direct Goes Dynamic

    IGN has the exclusive on a new line of statues from DC Direct which they are calling "DC Dynamics". The statues. The first run of statues includes Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and Superman. The statues depict each of the characters special abilities.

    Superman is depicted flying, with the base of the statue being painted and molded to demonstrate his blazing speed. Aquaman is being boosted by a wave of water, Wonder Woman is soaring through the sky and Batman... is being propelled by a cloud of bats. (Hey, it looks cool - go click on the picture.)

    DC Direct notes that a total of six statues are scheduled for 2010. The first statue of the line, Wonder Woman, has a price tag of $195 and an on-sale date of January 20, 2010. The statue will stand at about 11" in height. All figures are hand painted and made from cold-cast porcelain.

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