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    Superman Returns: Where Are They Now? 

    Bryan Singer:

    ~~Director of X-Men and X2, and of course Superman Returns, comments on J.J. Abrams and "Star Trek". Bryan Singer wonders aloud what would have happened if he had directed Trek.~~

    Jam! Showbiz: Green Blooded With Envy

    Michael Dougherty:

    ~~Writer director Michael Dougherty discusses the "Trick 'R Treat" DVD and Blu-Ray October release and reveals some of the special features.~~

    Fangoria: Dougherty Reveals Trick 'R Treat Disc Details

    James Marsden & Frank Langella:

    ~~Richard Kelly, of Donnie Darko fame, discusses his Comic Con presentation for "The Box". Frank Langella and James Marsden will be in attendance along with Cameron Diaz~

    ScreeCrave: Comic-Con 2009 Panel Updates

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