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    Financial Crunch Trips Up Two Movies

    The economic situation besieging us all has had an effect in Hollywood and the most recent company to feel the pinch is indie distributor Senator U.S.

    The cash-strapped unit is being forced to indefinitely postpone the release of a pair of movies: "Unthinkable" and "Brooklyn's Finest."

    More disappointing is the postponement of "Unthinkable," which had been gearing up for an October release. The movie stars Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Sheen, Carrie-Anne Moss, Brandon Routh, Stephen Root and Martin Donovan.

    According to The Hollywood Reporter: "Releasing the pic involves the relatively straightforward matter of locating the P&A -- not easy, but not legally complicated -- and then finding someone to help release the pic, since the company's marketing and distribution staff have been depleted."

    Head over to our sister site to read the article in its entirety.

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