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    Routh Says Terms of His Superman Contract Have Expired

    Among the many ways the Internet continues to improve our lives, one of the coolest is Google Translate. 

    I love that you can take a story written in another language and, with a few keystrokes, turn it into something that you can read in your own language.

    The translations aren't perfect, of course, but you can certainly get the idea.

    Anyway, recently visited the site of the forth-coming comic book movie "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." While there, they took the time to sit down and talk with Brandon Routh.

    Here is the Google Translated version of the site's article:

    During our visit to the set of Scott Pilgrim, adaptation to the screens of of Brian Lee O'Malley's independent comic, the omelet chatted with Brandon Routh, who plays "evil ex-boyfriend number 3."

    Obviously, we could not stop without asking him about the status of the franchise's Man of Steel, where he played Clark Kent / Superman in Superman Returns.

    "I do not know of anything," said Routh. "I'm sure that Warner Bros. is moving there, but everything is still uncertain. Really, I do not know anything."

    Then commented that he thought a certain injustice that Batman Begins, the reboot of the franchise of Batman had opened lower than expected by the studio - as Superman - but won a second chance and ended up proving to be an absurdly lucrative series in Batman - The Knight of Darkness.

    "It's exactly how I feel," agreed Routh.

    Then discuss the main reason why the film may not have excited the public as it should: the lack of action scenes. "I think missing some beating. You know, it is curious, but in the middle of the show I realized it - I just noticed that caught the whole movie and had no chance to retaliate."

    Routh also confirmed he has no contract to play the super-hero. "The term contract has expired. But if they call me again, back to the character without thinking twice."

    The full interview with the actor will be published towards the release of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World in 2010.

    The key parts are:

    * Routh still does not know what's going on with the Superman series
    * The terms of his contract to play Superman have expired
    * He still wants to play the role, and would return without thinking twice
    * Routh admits the movie needed more action

    Hopefully, we will get a true translation of the article soon enough. But you can definitely pick up what Routh is saying. And Routh, even in a broken English translation of Portugese, still sounds far more lucid about the movie series than Bryan Singer does these days.

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    Reader Comments (1)

    WB is crazy to not have already started the follow up with Brandon Routh in the suit. I really want another movie but if WB can't get their act together I am glad at least Brandon is moving on. I hope they had to pay up on the contract for keeping everyone in limbo. It is nice to know he is still interested so I will continue to hope.

    July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

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