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    Brandon Routh Talks Superman Sequel Momentum

    Sometimes it seems just like it was yesterday, but 'Superman Returns' flew into theaters over three years ago. The film didn't pull in the box office that Warner Bros expected as indicated by Alan Horn, "I thought it was a very successful movie, but I think it should have done $500 million worldwide." Superman's return to the big screen couldn't be looked at as a complete success nor could it be looked at as a complete failure leaving the character in a state of flux over at the "The Brothers Warner".

    Brandon Routh has been very vocal about his desire to strap on the red boots again but after announcing that his contract expired the chances of this happening seemed to be as realistic as "Otisburg". Then the judicial system decided to throw a curveball at Warner Bros. while ruling in their favor in the case of Joanne Siegel and Laura Siegel Larson vs. Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Time Warner Inc. and DC Comics Inc. The ruling featured the one sentence that created a wave of speculation across some of the movie related website and forums; If, however, by 2011, no filming has commenced on a Superman sequel, plaintiffs could bring an accounting action at that time to recoup the damages then realized for the Superman film agreement's failure to contain a reversion clause."

    Would WB/DC now be forced to make a Superman film instead of continuing to drag their feet? Some assumed that the best course of action would be just to rehire Routh which would help speed up the process. Today at the SDCC "Dead of Night Panel" Routh chimed in when asked about a possible follow up to "Superman Returns",

    The Superman Returns leading man said that there appears to be new momentum on the project and that he and Sam are both interested in returning for the sequel if it happens.

    Routh also talked superman with MTV about his many comic book related roles and he was asked how he would feel if somebody else threw the cape on their shoulders.

    "That's a tough question to ask, but I trust that everything goes as planned and I'd love to return to the character," said Routh. "I love the character and loved working with Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures and I'd be happy to come back."

    Just when you thought it was safe Routh has spun the earth around yet again. What do you think? Is this more spin or is Routh destined to display that \S/ on his chest yet again one way or another?

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