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    'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' Arrives Sept. 29

    Here is a peek at the blu-ray and DVD covers for the animated movie "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" (and, most importantly, it gives the official release date as Sept. 29):

    The movie will be based on a story arc of the comic book "Superman/Batman," as written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Ed McGuinness.

    According to a release, "United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a kryptonite asteroid to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his 'partner in crime' Batman. Super heroes and super villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite – and recruit super help – to stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the asteroid, and uncover Luthor’s devious plot to take command of far more than North America.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Great news, I can't wait! Thanks!

    June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJerSB13

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