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    World of New Krypton #5 Review


    Written by James Robinson and Greg Rucka

    Penciled by Pete Woods

    Cover by Gary Frank

    Commander El has been charged with treason and his penalty if found guilty is death.  Kal-El meets his appointed attorney named Dyn-Xe who plans to argue that Zod has held a grudge against the El family for years, and that all charges be dropped.

    The trial begins with the introduction of the jurors, one selected from each of the major guilds to be represented accordingly. When hearing Dyn-Xe's argument that he holds vengeance for the El family, Zod withdraws himself from the jury but waits as the trial unfolds.

    Nar, the other accused with Kal-El, tries to take the fall for the act of treason but Kal is quick to explain that under his orders, she was only doing as asked.  This allows Nar to be acquitted of all charges. After these events, the trial is given a recess.  Dyn-Xe is appalled at his clients actions, basically giving the case away.  Kal asks Nar to send his troops a good farewell.

    Tyr-Van reveals a device that he has smuggled in, that will help Kal escape the prison and leave the planet.  Kal immediately refuses such nonsense, standing firm on his beliefs that he is not guilty and has no reason to try to escape like a fugitive. 

    Tyr-Van then returns to Zod and Ursa, revealing that he has been a spy for the two, trying to tempt Kal into escaping.  Kals restraining force field is lowered and he makes no movements for escape as Zod looks on confused by his actions.

    Kal arrives at his final moments of the trial, and a split decision is given; guilty.  Kal is allowed last words and pleas his case, standing firm that he did nothing to harm the Kryptonian city.  Zod speaks up to the religious guild, and persuades them that their use of pardon may be used in these circumstances.

    We are welcomed to a celebration of the Nova Cycle.  A great celebration on Krypton of birth and rebirth. Zod and Kal walk together talking about the events of the trial.  Zod reveals that he admires Kals stance against fleeing, and that his army is a stronger one with Kal by his side.

    The crowd below begins great cheers and chants for General Zod.  He seems pleased at the events just as someone screams a threat of death towards him.  An archer rifle is unleashed at Zod, leaving him severely injured.  Kal-El and everyone else stand in disbelief.


    Another twist thrown in the story, and I like this one so far.  Showing Zod as being a little more understanding of Kals plight and actually admiring his decisions to stay put when given the chance to break free.  Action Comics is suffering and Superman is fairing okay, so its good to have WONK to sort of fill in the ground of the two.  This one feels more cohesive and its good to have a steady build up so far in the story. 


    I think Pete Woods art is steadily growing on me.  As I've said before when he worked on the "Up,Up, And Away" arc a few years back, I really enjoyed that.  Not much has really given me that "WOW" factor but it gets the job done.  Not awful but not great.  Better than some of the other issues in the series.

    Cover Art:

    This is probably my favorite New Krypton cover since the first issue.  I really like the grays and blues and the obvious reference to Superman: The Movie with the jailing ring.  Compelling and makes me curious to whats happening inside.  Great work again from Gary Frank.

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