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    Routh Looks Back At Physicality of Playing Superman

    In this video interview -- which was recorded late last year, but just posted to nutrition expert J.J. Virgin's blog site today -- actor Brandon Routh talks about preparing his body for the role of Superman in "Superman Returns," enduring the physical part of playing the role and how wearing the Superman suit was akin to wearing a "rubber band."

    Brandon Routh Interview

    If a sequel was discussed, it was edited out.

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    Reader Comments (2)

    Hmm. I imagine if the interview is over a year old, they were no closer to nailing down the sequel info than it seems they are now. I'm not surprised to hear nothing mentioned, since so little was known.

    May 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristy

    Wow, Brandon looks really good there. Wonder if he is still following a lot of what he learned to play the part of Superman. This sounds like it was filmed late last year. I am trying to remember when he actually shot Unthinkable. It seems like it was last fall.

    Anyway Brandon looks great in the video, ready to don the suit at a moments notice if you ask me.


    May 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

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