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    Andrew Robinson: Super Cover Artist Extrodinaire

    Newsarama has a great article about Andrew Robinson's hiatus and return. Here's an exerpt about his work on the Superman and Action Comic Covers:

    "Newsarama: It’s good to finally talk to you, Andrew. Let’s talk comics!

    Lately you've been doing a great number of covers for DC Comics. How'd this gig come about, and what are your thoughts on it?

    Andrew Robinson: It's been a lot of fun. Especially drawing lots of characters for the first time. Teen Titans, Outsiders, Vigilante and lots of Batman villains. I just finished a short run of painted covers for Superman and Action Comics. Wish it would have lasted longer but I guess in the end I wasn't right for the job. And sadly none of my covers featured Superman."

    Head over to Newsarama for the complete article.

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