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    More Hemming and Hawing From Bryan Singer

    For those still following at home, director Bryan Singer continues to ramble on nonsensically when asked about doing a potential follow up to "Superman Returns."

    The following is from a new interview with Total Film magazine when Singer was asked if he would be involved in the project: "I don't know, I don't know. There are still issues ... I just ... I just don't know. I don't necessarily...I don't know. It's one of those things where ... It's so weird talking about stuff unless I'm about to ramp up and shoot it."

    Meanwhile, Singer was more lucid, but still evasive, in a new interview with the Edmonton Sun newspaper.

    Singer told the paper his next movie will be a sci-fi fantasy "genre" film.

    "It's almost totally in place, but I can't talk about it," he said. 

    The Sun asked if that next movie started with an "S" (for Superman).

    "I wish I could say, but I'm trying to nip it in the bud because I tend to babble when I'm interested and excited about something," he replied. "And I'm definitely in the 'interested and excited' stage -- which is definitely better than the 'What the f--- do I do next?' stage. I can tell you that science fiction and fantasy, those are the films I lined up around the block to see as a kid. Those are the films I love to make."

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    Reader Comments (3)

    I don't know...I don't know....I just...I just don't know what to say about that interview...except it sounds like he is still maybe involved and can't say anything till the PTB make up their darn minds and shooting actually starts.

    IT IS BETTER than say if he had responded:

    Another question please, that one is dead and buried. Plus it seems a tad bit more positive than his last non-statements.

    I am still hoping for word in July when I 'look up to the sky' hoping the sun will finally come out again on a Superman project.

    June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

    Wow again. The additional bit makes it seem even more like we have cause to hope that soon we will have an answer. I doubt he would have to be as closed lipped (or excited about) any other sci-fi fantasy "genre" film.

    Also maybe this is why Brandon Routh has a wide open calendar after so many months of having several films in the cue. He just finished filming Dylan Dog and is about to shoot his part of Scott Pilgrim then nothing is listed. Plus he is looking more and more Supermanly every time he is caught by a camera lately.

    Thanks so much for posting this. It made my evening.

    June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

    Again, pins and needles are poking my bottom. *sigh* I wish they'd stop, it kind of hurts.

    June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRouthFan

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