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    Jeph Loeb Talks 'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' has scored an interview with Jeph Loeb, where they discuss the forthcoming animated movie "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies."

    Among the highlights:

    The World's Finest: Any thoughts on seeing one of your stories being adapted into an animated feature? Were you surprised by the announcement?

    Jeph Loeb: I got a call from DC asking if I wanted to write the script, which caught me totally off guard because I had no idea they were thinking about this series. I love the Justice League: The New Frontier DVD both in terms of look and how faithful they were to the story. My schedule wouldn't allow it, so all I could do was hope for the best. And from what I've seen it's better than the best!

    WF: Is there another Superman/Batman arc of yours you would like to see adapted?

    Sure! All of them! I'd love to see them adapt the next arc, Supergirl, and do it in Mike Turner's style. That's what makes these DVD's so unique is that they have been following the designs of the specific artists. The “McGuinness” look to Superman/Batman: Public Enemies just rocks!

    For the full interview, check out

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    Reader Comments (1)

    This sounds like it will be a great animated movie. I like the premise and look forward to seeing it.

    July 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

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