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    Supergirl #42 Review


    Written by Sterling Gates

    Penciled  by Jamal Igle

    Cover by Joshua Middleton

    General Lane stands in a wooded area of Maine mourning the loss of his daughter Lucy (Superwoman).  Through narration it is revealed that its been years since Sam Lane has shed tears over anything, and this instance is no different.

    Codename: Assassin tells General Lane that the area has been searched over six times and nothing has been found but hair and flesh that matches his daughters DNA.  Lane tells Assassin that he's not going to just kill Supergirl but that he has far worse things planned for her.

    Back in Metropolis Kara (Supergirl) reveals to Lois what has happened to her sister.  Lois inquires how Kara knew Lucy was Superwoman.  Kara explains that she heard the same noise coming from Lucy's pocket that normally signaled Superwoman. Lois asks Kara to leave, not being able to grasp what has happened.  Kara explains that she was only defending herself, to which Lois says she understands but she still must leave.  Before exiting, Lois asks for a piece of the Superwoman costume.

    Reactron is being transported to STAR Labs by the science police when they are attacked by metahostiles. This all a diversion for Codename: Assassin to release a psychic grenade which causes the science police to freeze in their tracks.  He frees Reactron and tells him they need to move at double time.

    Kara and Lana are back at Lana's apartment watching the news of the events unfold.  Kara confides in Lana and is told that everything is going to be fine.  Kara heads back to New Krypton as Lana gets a phone call saying the test results have came back and we are left with a cliffhanger.

    Supergirl flies around the sun feeling more confident and sure of who she is.


    I'm fairly new to the Supergirl book and I have to say this is probably my favorite issue yet.  I've heard this book got off to a very rocky start but Sterling Gates seems to have taken it into his own and make it an exciting and fun book to read.  I like the points set up here for future issues.  General Lane is furious and there should be some great surprises in store for Supergirl.  The ending monologue with Supergirl really helps set the confidence in her character.


    More Great work from Jamal Igle.  I hope he stays on this title until the end of the whole New Krypton arc going on in the super titles right now.  His Supergirl is great, and the attention to little details really makes this issue stand out. One of my favorite shots, and its small in comparison to everything else great in this book, is the close up on Reactrons teeth.  They look so realistic. 

    Cover Art:

    Nothing really special about this cover.  Its very bland, and boring.

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