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    Callum Blue To Menace Clark Kent as Zod

    Callum BlueThe last season of Smallville started strong, but the show's quality plummeted about halfway through. By the end of the season, I was ready for the show to say goodbye.

    However, we have another season coming and at least the producers are giving us something for which we can get excited about. And that, namely, would be the slate of villains they are assembling.

    Last week, we got word that Brian Austin Green will be portraying Metallo.

    Now, we have learned that Callum Blue will step into Terence Stamp's boots to play Zod.

    I have seen Blue in several movies and shows, most notably "The Secret Life of a Call Girl," and I have been impressed with him.

    Maybe there's some hope for "Smallville" next year after all -- provided Lana Lang manages to stay out of the picture.

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