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    « Lawsuit Sheds Light on Status of 'Superman' Franchise | Main | Jeph Loeb Talks 'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' »

    Truth, Justice & the Japanese Way

    Awhile back, we reported on a series of Japanese commercials for the 2009 Toyota Prius featuring actor Matthew Bomer (whose most notable for the series Chuck and will soon headline the forthcoming White Collar for USA Network) as Superman/Clark Kent.

    Well now a TMT reader has sent us a nice picture of Bomer (who had previously auditioned and screen-tested for the role years back and was said to be then-director Brett Ratner's top-choice) in the red-and-blue suit that is to be used in local Japanese publications to promote the Prius. Notice again, they're using the suit used in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns.

    He certainly looks the part. But I wouldn't be jumping to conclusions like I'm sure some have already done so. The film franchise

    is in hibernation at this time with the news of current Man of Steel Brandon Routh's contrast just recently expiring. The truth of the matter is if Routh doesn't return to the role, then his successor will be another unknown actor. Sorry, Tom Welling fans!

    In other "What the fuck?" related news, a Japanese Tim Burton fan-site got a hold of the director's designs for Brainiac during the time he was working on Superman Lives back in 1997. Said site also provided a video presentation of sketches and models for how Kal-El's alien adversary would have looked had Lives seen the light of day. You can thank your lucky stars it fell apart, folks.

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