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    Superman/Batman #61 Review


    Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson

    Penciled by Francis Manapul

    Cover by Francis Manapul


    An amalgamation of Lex and Joker, calling himself Lex Joker, introduces us to a newly formed team of amalgamates known as the Brotherhood of Injustice.  The team consists of Lana Quinn, Brainycat, Ventrilomaker, Jimmy Two-Face, Penguello, and Doomstroke.  Terranado is introduced last as Lex Joker asks if she is sure the Justice Titans are oblivious to her betrayal.  She reassures him that no one suspects anything because of the new teammates Batman and Superman.

    Back at the Justice Titans tower Batman is examining a piece of Doomstorke's bone and Superman says he doesn't see anything.  Batman says this is proof that he and Superman are sharing a dream. They pass a statue of Ravanna, one of the original Titans that sacrificed herself to save the others. 

    They run into Terranado and Batman calls her bluff, promising that even though this is a dream she won't hurt any of the figmented Justice Titan members.  She claims to be telling the truth, but in code that the security cameras were off as the Brotherhood of Injustice crashes through the wall.

    The teams battle each other and the Brotherhood begins to get the upper hand.  Penguello reveals himself to be a mixture of Penguin and Metallo thus hindering Supermans abilities to take anyone out.  Batman yells to Superman to focus and remember this is all a dream; he has deducted that John Dee (Doctor Destiny) is the person behind this mischief. 

    He reveals that Batman and Superman are the last free minds in his woven dream world and they were to be a composite being as well but wouldn't play along.  Now he must kill them.  Superman uses a little detective work of his own, instructing Batman to destroy the Ravanna statue.  Through inner dialogue Batman reasons that it's a supernatural connection and no coincidence that the magic based heroes are the only ones based as statues.

    Bruce wakes up in bed to Zatanna bringing him breakfast.  He reasons with her that this is a dream reality bringing  her most honest fantasy to life.  He convinces her to cast a spell to prove that it's not real.  She does and they both wake up in their own beds. 

    Superman is stuck in a more horrific fantasy with Raven, who is possessed by the demon, Trigon.  He tells Raven to follow the heroes voice inside and she breaks free of the spell.  Clark wakes up in bed with Lois, telling her he just had some nightmares.

    Batman and Superman meet the next day and discuss the dream.  Superman is worried that John Dee possibly knows their identities, but Batman reassures him that John had been in a coma since the night they were attacked.

    Back at Arkham, John is given a shot for sleep, but before drifting off he slurs out, "Bruce Kent."



    This is my first venture back into Superman/Batman after about a two year hiatus.  I feel I was lucky to start back when I did because this issue is just plain fun.  I'm glad this book is just out on its own continuity now and the stories can free flow as they go.  The combinations of the villains was really note and if we had an actual Doomstroke, the entire DCU would be in for trouble.  I think the creepiest one was possibly Penguello.  He reminded me of that little clown doll from the Saw films.  I guess you could say the ending has some clichés to it, but what isn't anymore?  Great issue over all.  With all the event driven stuff going on in comics now its great to be able to pick up an issue of a comic and just read it through with out any prior knowledge of any sort of continuity.


    I was unfamiliar with Francis Manapul's art other than the solicits for the Adventure Comics coming up.  I really like his style from this issue and the solicits.  Looks like he penciled the whole thing himself, coloring and all, just some really beautiful art. 


    How about a grand slam?  Good story. Check. Good art. Check.  Good cover. Check.  This issue has it all and the cover itself is bursting with "pick me up" factor.  Superman and Batman sit as the centerpiece of a bright and bold colorful background of all the amalgamated characters inside.


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