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    'Dead of Night' Is Not Headed Straight to DVD

    You know how Internet rumors start these days. One site publishes something, a fan site picks it up. A few more sites attribute it to one of the places from which they heard it and so forth.

    The current rumor is that Brandon Routh's upcoming movie, "Dead of Night," is headed straight to DVD.

    Not so, says Plantinum Studios Vice President Dan Forcey.

    "We're contractually obligated and guaranteed a theatrical release of at least 1,100 screens," Forcey just told me. "We couldn't do direct-to-DVD if we wanted to."

    For a refresher on the movie, here is my interview with Forcey.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Thanks for posting this. I hate all the stupid rumors that get started. At least we can count on you for the facts.

    July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVgerland

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