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    Superman Mini Neon Sign

    Nothing sets the mood quite like neon at night.  DC knows how to help the romantic nights after Chick-Fil-A visits, when you bring that special someone home, dim the lights and turn on the neon Superman shield.  Set for release on July 29th.  Visit DC Direct for full product details. 

    Romantic nights not guranteed.


    A Source for Editing

     Superman group editor Matt Idelson took some time to post a little peek into the daily routines of his tasks working with the super books. He gives a few panels from the upcoming titles as well as some hints at things to come in "Superman: Secret Origins":

    Oop. Just missed a message from James Robinson. He’s included an odd comment on one of the profile pieces for August’s SUPERMAN SECRET FILES. My, he’s in a jaunty mood. It seems we’ve missed some important elements in the costuming of a non-superhero character, and he’s absolutely correct. He’s also got an idea for the inclusion of some characters normally outside the realm of Superman for next year’s stuff, and ways to maybe spin them out into something of their own afterwards. No wonder he’s so jaunty.

    For the full details on all things upcoming for Superman check out The Source, DC's premiere blog.


    Christopher Reeve Superman Statue

    In stores this month, priced at $195, a must have for any die hard Superman collector or fan of the Reeve film series. 

    Check out DC Direct for full product details.


    Andrew Robinson: Super Cover Artist Extrodinaire

    Newsarama has a great article about Andrew Robinson's hiatus and return. Here's an exerpt about his work on the Superman and Action Comic Covers:

    "Newsarama: It’s good to finally talk to you, Andrew. Let’s talk comics!

    Lately you've been doing a great number of covers for DC Comics. How'd this gig come about, and what are your thoughts on it?

    Andrew Robinson: It's been a lot of fun. Especially drawing lots of characters for the first time. Teen Titans, Outsiders, Vigilante and lots of Batman villains. I just finished a short run of painted covers for Superman and Action Comics. Wish it would have lasted longer but I guess in the end I wasn't right for the job. And sadly none of my covers featured Superman."

    Head over to Newsarama for the complete article.


    Superman #689 Review

    Written by James Robinson

    Penciled by Renato Guedes and José Wilson Magalhães

    Cover by Andrew Robinson

    Morgan Edge opens the issue with a greeting from his new show entitled "Edge of Reason." He expresses his unease of the new batch of Kryptonians appearing as Mon-El battles Livewire and Gentleman Ghost. Edge then questions Mon-El's powers stating that they obviously appear Kryptonian.

    Tellus (the purple bubble encased head creature) has parting words with the Guardian.  Before leaving Tellus insists he be called Ganglios though and instills a great new power into the Guardian just so he may defeat the Assassin.

    Mon-El reveals through inner monologue some of his most recent events which include meeting the Rocket Reds, receiving his first kiss from one them named Ivana, joining Beaumont and Sunny Jim to defeat Big Don Drummond, marveling at the beauty of Gaudi, and helping a vampress named La Sangre.

    John Henry gives his new friend Tom a small tour of his place called Ironworks, which is claims is the most technologically safe place in the world.  Tom shows appreciation for such trust in him and John reveals that he did a thorough background check for safety precautions.

    Mon-El reveals even more events with the likes of Will Von Hammer, Freedom Beast, Congorilla, Dr. Light, Robo-Octo-Ape, Iman, King Billy, and Blockbuster.  He heads back to Metropolis after  a worthy night out of adventuring and realizes again that he is dying. 

    The Guardian makes an appearance on "Edge of Reason" assuring Morgan Edge that Mon-El is not Kryptoninan, because he is bound to uphold the law, and such race is banned from Earth.  Morgan Edge then apologizes for making the accusations

    General Lane is revealed to have hired Prankster to kill Black Lightning.  Lane wanted Prankster to do the job so nothing could be traced back to his operation. Prankster took a less violent approach by hiring someone else to commit a string of murders to lure Black Lightning out of the picture.  Lane then reveals he wants the dead body of John Henry Irons to be found at what looks like a villainous attack.

    Back at Ironworks Tom Curtis tells John Henry Irons that he his not who he appears to be.  He had been using a cloaking device the entire time.  Tom Curtis is really ATLAS.


    I've enjoyed the Super books without Superman up until this issue and the last issue of Action Comics.  This title held my attention at least a bit better than Action.  Most of it seemed like filler with all the different events Mon-El found himself in and eventually just became redundant.  Very little was moved forward with his story, though we did get something in Prankster working with General Lane and setting up a crime scene for the death of John Henry Irons.  I must say this as well, was it any surprise that Tom Curtis was Atlas?  The cliffhanger tried to be much more than it was but at least we are leading into the next issue in that sense.


    The art continues to dominate this book easily.  The detail Guedes puts on faces and even his backgrounds is handled very well.  He never seems to slow down or show lack in his work, it steadily grows stronger.  Great work; here's to hoping he stays with the Superman books even after all of the New Krypton stuff is finished.

    Cover Art:

    Another really good cover from Andrew Robinson.  I am glad he is doing the covers for both Action and Superman because it gives them a sense of connection even though the stories aren't so much.  Great colors and painted look.  The three panels in the background do happen in the issue but they are so minute that I wouldn't really count it.  Good cover but not his best.