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    Two Lexs Pit Superman vs. Superman in Fan-Made Trailer

    Since WB seems to be in a holding pattern when it comes to a new Superman movie, industrious fans have been filling the void by making their own trailers.

    In this video, posted today on YouTube by silverlightsaber, Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) recruits Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) to pit Superman (Christopher Reeve) vs. Superman (Brandon Routh).


    Metallo Headed to 'Smallville' Next Year 

    According to TV Guide, Metallo will be making the jump to "Smallville" next season.

    Taking on the role will be Brian Austin Green, formerly of "Beverly Hills 90210." Those who remember him only for that show should check him out in "Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles," where he showed a flair for sci-fi/action.

    Green, who has gained fame recently as Megan Fox's lesser half, also has come up in the casting discussions for "Green Lantern."

    TV Guidesays Green will "appear as the kryptonite-powered villain (alter ego 'Daily Planet' journo John Corben) in at least the first two episodes of Season 9, which kicks off Friday, Sept. 25."


    'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' Arrives Sept. 29

    Here is a peek at the blu-ray and DVD covers for the animated movie "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" (and, most importantly, it gives the official release date as Sept. 29):

    The movie will be based on a story arc of the comic book "Superman/Batman," as written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Ed McGuinness.

    According to a release, "United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a kryptonite asteroid to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his 'partner in crime' Batman. Super heroes and super villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite – and recruit super help – to stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the asteroid, and uncover Luthor’s devious plot to take command of far more than North America.


    Action Comics #878 Review


    Written by Greg Rucka

    Penciled by Diego  Olmos

    Cover by Andrew Robinson

    The sleeper Kryptonians Az Rel and Nadira, still on the run, try to find a quick resting spot in New Mexico.  They take over a house as the cops arrive moments too late. 

    The police find the house in shambles and in a closer investigation, run into their targets.  The police release fire to no avail as Az Rel and Nadira take mere moments to kill all of them.

    Back in Metropolis, Thara Ak-Var (Flamebird) wakes up frightened in Lois Lanes apartment.  Thara immediately announces she must search for Lor-Zod (Chris Kent, Nightwing).  Lois calms her revealing that she is Chris' mother.

    General Lane's special Team Alpha searches the Fortress of Solitude.  A kryptonian blood sample is recovered for further research. 

    Hollister, General Lane's consultant informs him that Team Bravo searched the Fortress as well, uncovering the body of Empire Communications CEO, Davide Carter.

    The results of the blood sample test returns and is presented to General Lane.  It is confirmed that David Carter was a sleeper Kryptonian as well as Chris Kent.  With no other evidence Lane is convinced that Lor-Zod killed David Carter.

    Chris returns to Lois' apartment telling her about the events at the Fortress with his Kryptonian mom Ursa.   A news brief flashes across the tv screen updating the whereabouts of Az-Rel and Nadira.  Flamebird and Nightwing rush after them telling Lois they will be back.

    Flamebird and Nightwing catch up with Az-Rel and Nadira and battle ensues with the heroes getting the upper hand.

    Before they can be taken into custody, there is an interruption from Codename: Assassin with a groupd of green armored warriors.


    This story started off very strongly with some intense action scenes and interesting plots.  This issue fell a little flat for me compared to previous ones.  Chris Kent is given a new name by Thara (K'Riss) which I don't remember being used before.  Nothing really seemed to move forward other than Nadira and Az-Rel being caught but that ended quick with Assassin showing up.   Hopefully the next issue picks things back up.


    Maybe its just me, but I really missed the art from Eddie Barrows and Ruy Jose in this issue.  I'm not trying to take anything away from Diego Olmos, but it seemed thrown together and is a much different look than what we've had before.  If it stays consistent, I am sure it will grow on me.

    Cover Art:

    So far Andrew Robinsons covers have been great.  This one shows a great action piece and something that actually takes place in the comic.  Love the pencilled colors and the cool blue tone over all.  Another solid cover.



    George Reeves: June 16, 1959