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    Joe Manganiello Should Be Superman!

    With The Man of Steel still two and half years away that leaves plenty of room for speculation in casting, and in this case time for actors to campaign for the lead role.

    The latest name to be tossed out there amongst the likes of Scott Porter and Chace Crawford is the very menacing and imposing figure Joe Manganiello. I'd say it's about damn time someone actually fitting the comic book representation of the iconic character is considered for the role.

    Joe who's best known for his character Alcide on HBO's true blood and Flash Thompson in the Spider-Man films,  has recently gone on record saying he'd like to get back into film, especially as a superhero. He reiterated this in several interviews. He wants the role of Superman.

    “I’m from Pittsburgh so the Man of Steel — it’s the City of Steel, so that would go a long way back home,” Joe said of his dream of wearing Superman’s red cape.

    Talk about perfect casting. Joe's got the right build, height, weight, etc. The list could go on and on. He's our guy hands-down to don the red and blue symbol for truth justice and the American way. To make this even more surreal, he fits the exact criteria Warner Bros is looking for.They'll want someone relatively unknown who has a lot less resemblance Christopher Reeve and more to the actual character himself. I've yet to hear of another candidate to date that embodies the characteristics of Superman as well as Joe.

    As it turns out Joe isn't the only one campaigning to land the lead role. Hard core fans have also started a facebook page to lobby for him landing the part.

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Were you guys drunk?

    July 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEWW

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