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    Did Zachary Levi Read For Superman?

    Originally Posted On

    We were bound to start hearing names – regardless of whether or not it's bullshit.

    Geek Tyrant reports they know of at least one actor whose read for Superman/Clark Kent in Warner Brothers' forthcoming reboot The Man of Steel Chuck star Zachary Levi.

    Before anyone starts with the "Chuck Bartowski as Superman?!" knee-jerk reactions, keep in mind Levi was originally supposed to appear in Kenneth Branagh's Thor. He even went as far to get into ripping shape for the role – that of Fandral, one of the "Warrior's Three." Although he's not someone we'd heard personally, I could see it. Assuming this is legit (the site is labeling this under "Rumor").

    Yes, this is especially odd in a "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon" fashion given two of the higher-profile guest starts on Chuck were Brandon Routh (the most recent cinematic Kal-El) and Matthew Bomer (Brett Ratner's favorite while he was onboard).

    The site additionally reiterates the rumors of Jonathan Nolan serving as the director. Someone who yours truly first reported back during my tenure elsewhere (the link is down so I'll instead link to my pal Clint Morris).

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