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    Aronofsky In On Superman, Affleck Is Out

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    Last week the not so movie blog friendly but on the ball people at Toldja! reported that Warner Bros & Legendary had a short list of directors they were meeting or have met with for the upcoming Superman film. Reportedly producers Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas were face to facing it with Matt Reeves, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Zack Synder, and Tony Scott. You can add another name or two to that list.

    According to the left coast reporters over at the LA Times, Nolan's WB is also hot on Darren Aronofsky to direct the new Superman flick. Aronofsky is creating a lot of hoopla with the upcoming "Black Swan" and would fit with what the studio and Team Nolan are looking for. A director who can handle character driven films with high production value but are still "controllable." The geek in us remember that Aronofsky almost directed a Frank Miller inspired Batman film about a decade ago. The circle of life?

    While Aronofsky is still in talks, it seems that Ben Affleck's discussion with the studio has now ended. The actor/writer/director is no longer pursuing the gig. Apparently the studio loves them some Affleck, especially after the performance of "The Town" in the minds of critics and the general public. Imagine that, Affleck played Superman "Hollywoodland" and directing a new Superman flick? Eerie.

    It's funny, the forums were a buzz with suggestions of Affleck directing Supes. Looks like they are ahead of the game.

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