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    New Superman Villain Candidate Emerges: Edgar Ramirez

    He doesn't fit next to fellow candidates Viggo Mortensen (who didn't work out; an issue with scheduling most likely), Daniel Day-Lewis (total pipe-dream as awesome as it would be to nabb him) or Gerald Butler (who knows where that one stands) when you factor in the filmmakers attempt at getting established, name-actors to wrap around the lesser-known Henry Cavill as our defender of truth, justice and the American way.

    But like his competitors, Edgar Ramirez looks like he would put up a good fight against Cavill's Superman. This guy could crack some bones, and just fuck people up.

    Latino Review reports the actor, coming off his acclaimed leading role in Carlos and whose familiarity with most pin-points to The Bourne Ultimatum, is up for a villain role in Zack Snyder's Superman: The Man of Steel, due out next Christmas. Things are so tight-lipped over on their front, it's a mystery as to what baddie he'd portray were he cast; Zod (who's in the reboot, that much we know), Lex Luthor (everyone's assuming he plays a role) or someone else altogether. Guessing Zod because his passing resemblance to Cavill, and all Kryptonians look alike to me.

    While he lacks the marquee name recognition, as El Mayimbe points out Ramirez is familiar with the Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures bunch as he's currently filming Wrath of the Titans and if you'll remember that sequel's director Jonathan Liebesman was up for the Superman gig before they settled on Snyder. He'd also be considerably cheaper than say Butler or Day-Lewis.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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