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    Justice League Won't Feature Henry Cavill's Superman?!

    What we have here is a failure to communicate. Or perhaps a case where things are so early and jumbled that not everyone is 100% in sync at the moment.

    The good folks over at Hey! U Guys were able to grab director Zack Snyder for a quick minute at the Sucker Punch UK premiere, and the subject turned to not Superman: The Man of Steel surprisingly, but the recently announced Justice League movie.

    When that news broke the other day, we all assumed if Christian Bale's Batman wouldn't be utilized (something I'm still not 100% sold will go down) then Henry Cavill's Superman and Ryan Reynolds' Green Lantern would fill that slot of pre-established superheroes in help secure asses in seats; assuming TMOS and GL are the mega-blockbusters Warner Brothers is hoping.

    Not so according to director Snyder:

    In that Hero Complex article that elaborated on the mater, they openly acknowledged one of the key reasons Justice League: Mortal died was because it was deemed too confusing for general audiences (not to mention, you know retarded as fuck) to have two separate actors portraying Batman with the intention of doing multiple films. All concurrently.

    So with that in mind, do I think Warner Brothers will repeat that same mistake for this hypothetical Justice League movie? No.

    With all due respect to Snyder, his goal right now is on making one Superman movie and, most importantly, one that works. Cavill has without question signed a multi-picture contract, and there's no rhyme nor reason why he wouldn't be slotted in if it helped the box-office prospects of Justice League.

    This also just plain doesn't gel with common sense and logic. WB is going to spend a lot of money pushing Cavill as the new Superman leading up to the reboot's release next Christmas. They already have, as a matter of fact; that EW cover-story awhile back. They're not going to go through all that hard work and dough just to turn around and get someone else as the Man of Steel a year or two later in addition to a possible Man of Steel sequel. That's way too confusing for everyone; general movie-goers and us nerds.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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