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    Harry Lennix Joins The Man of Steel

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    The cast of The Man of Steel looks like a balancing act of lesser-to-unknowns (Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue) to the big-names who've been in the public eye for years (Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Christopher Meloni, Julia Ormond). Judging by that list, the former outweighs the latter by a hefty margin, would you agree? About time to add more weight to the first group.

    Variety reports Harry Lennix is the newest addition to the soon-to-be-lensing Superman reboot. He'll play the "high-ranking" General Swanwick, presumably under the command of Meloni's yet-revealed general, who may or may not, be General Sam Lane, the proud papa of Lois Lane (Amy Adams).

    It says he had a big part in The Matrix sequels, but to be honest, I can't recall anything from his performance, other than how much both movies sucked.


    Superman: Man Of Steel Planet Houston Photos

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    Nice to start seeing some Superman news again. Starting to feel like 2004-2005 all over again, just not as geeked up for some reason. I know that will change once we start getting some official photos and videos though.

    A user on SupermanHomePage has been creeping and crawling around Plano, Illinois snapping pictures from the set of "Superman: Man of Steel". Whomever you are, if Younnis isn't paying you for the shots, we will. I have no shame.

    Here is a building that looks like it was bungled in some sort of super battle or mother nature inspired disaster. These are just a couple of pictures. Head over to SupermanHomePage for more photos from the set.

    Looks like this could possibly be some of the Smallville set. Not sure if they using an actual street for the exteriors and maybe just building replicas of the buildings to represent the destroyed versions or actually creating an entire street themselves.

    It's possible that this is a nod to "Superman For All Seasons" when a tornado strikes Smallville and Clark has to save the day. Another possibility is that this is a flashback sequence of when Clark landed in Smallville during a meteor shower.

    Let's hope its not Zod showing up on "Planet Houston" and bending guns.


    Henry Cavill On Researching Superman

    Cavill's jaw might get tired from answering all these damn questions, but there has sure been some interesting answers. Frankly, it's good to hear from him. Music Television had the chance to briefly talk to Cavill about researching the roll of Superman.


    "I'm just picking out as much as I possibly can from the comic book history," says Cavill of his research for the part so far, "because, obviously, it's plastered across there as to who this man is and whatever part of his life you're playing; whatever part of his ultimate journey you're playing, you just need to put into either the building aspects, the building blocks to how he ends up. All those key characteristics that are carried through."


    Brandon Routh Looks Back At Being Superman

    VoicesFromKrytpon was able to throw out some questions to Brandon Routh about playing Superman and "Superman Returns".

    Brandon discusses the challenges of taking on the role of such an iconic character and although aware of some of the obstacles previous actors who took on the role faced, he felt he was up for it and his time as Superman was exciting.

    Touches upon the waiting game was like while the studio contemplated a possible sequel to "Superman Returns". Lack of information and not really knowing what was going on with a possible sequel was tough but Brandon felt as if he had to continue to live up to what it was to be Superman off screen while waiting.

    Looking back on "Superman Returns", he feels like there should have been more "real flying" and Superman should have thrown more punches but he is proud of the movie. 


    Henry Cavill Is Shaping Up For Superman

    Cavill is hot property right now in the interview world. Needless to say everybody wants to get their hands on him. Some literally, most figuratively. Collider caught up with Cavill at WonderCon where he was supposed to be pimping "Immortals". Check out the video below.

    Cavill: At this early stage it's just doing some foundation training. The guys from Gym Jones, Mark Twight is training me. I've done about a month so far of foundation training. Really hard stuff, to get my body used to the real stuff, which is coming up soon. So at the moment it's just getting my body in the right aesthetic shape.

    I heard you're filming in Chicago. Is that true?

    Cavill: Possibly. I don't know how much I can tell you.

    Zack talked about how it's gonna be very realistic. Is that something that excites you?

    Cavill: I think it's a great way to go, because superheroes themselves are so unrealistic that to add a realism to them just makes them easier to associate with and attaches more directly to a real life imagination.