Justice League Movie in 2013 & a Post-Nolan Batman Reboot?
Back in August 2008 while riding still riding high on The Dark Knight goodness, Jeff Robinov (#2 big-cheese at Warner Brothers) boldly told the Wall-Street Journal an entire slate of DC cataloged films were planned including a third Batman installment with Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale, a Superman "re-invention" flick, Green Lantern and The Flash, and so on. An official announcement dishing out all the gory details were promised.
Then nothing ever came of said promise.
Plenty of things transpired moving the DC film unit ahead, despite that. Green Lantern got going with Martin Campbell directing and Ryan Reynolds headlining as Hal Jordan (due out this June) and Nolan is actively doing double-duties as he preps The Dark Knight Rises to direct and producing the Zack Snyder-directed, Henry Cavill-starring Superman: The Man of Steel; both will hit in 2012.
Between that initial WSJ interview and today however, there's one big difference with Robinov. He got handed the keys to the WB kingdom and, most important of all, greenlight authority. What started off as a minor blurb in the Los Angeles Times has exploded with the studio's future plans for their DC-on-film lineup.
Chatting it up with Hero Complex (a genre-oriented subsidiary of the LA Times), the new #1 at WB Robinov elaborated on their intentions confirming a script for a Justice League film is being typed as we speak for an unspecified 2013 release, and the Batman franchise will once again hit the "Reboot" button post-TDKR with Nolan and his wife/producing-partner Emma Thomas staying onboard as producers.
Well for one, why not simply bring Christian Bale's Batman back into the equation for JL? TDKR will bring that story to a close, yes. But his committment to Terminator: Salvation shows he hearts money and it ain't always about "the art." Maybe he just doesn't want to or maybe Bats bites the dust at the end of TDKR? The latter could certainly explain the need of a new Bats.
I'm also not buying a JL flick dropping in two years. To go from the first, in their hopes/intentions a series of, Superman (that's hitting at the end of 2012, no less) and final-Nolan-anchored Batman to seeing Cavill in the red-and-blue suit again, Reynolds as Green Lantern and a new actor as Bats 6 months-to-a year later is definitely on the jarring side. There's also the problem of what happens if GL and TMOS under-perform. They're jumping the gun on this one, and it feels like this is their way of riling up fandom. Once reality settles in, a more firm (read: realistic) release will get set out.