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    Tom Welling Finally Dons The Cape

    With the hugely successful series Smallville finally coming to a close after its 10th season this year. The question on everyone's mind is will Clark finally become Superman. Well according to Tom Welling , it will finally happen.

    In an interview with The Flickcast Welling was asked about finally becoming the man of steel and he revealed "Yeah, that's the plan, I don't know how they're going to do it, but I know that inevitably, that's where we get to."

    His thoughts on the superman costume and what it means to be finally be wearing it:

    "[The Superman costume] looks good, I wasn't there when they shot it on set. I was actually on another stage shooting something else. But I know what it looks like."

    "I think it's a huge responsibility for Clark and for me, And hopefully, we can get to a place where the fans feel as though we did everything that we could. We serviced the character the way that will make them all happy."

    Welling also responded to the long standing rumor that he would play Superman on the big screen once the show had concluded:

    "I've always been open to the idea. It's not as simple as everyone would like to think. It's not as simple as me wanting to do it or not wanting to do it, I know that a lot of people want to jump on me or jump on Warner Brothers. It's just not that simple. So there's a lot of elements that have to come together."

    Which basically translates to he would love to do it sure, but he knows damn well it's not going to happen. I would like to think this puts the rumor to bed, but I know his response will only be taken out of context and dragged out by fan boys for the next year. We won't hear the end of it until we know who will in fact be cast as the new Man of Steel. Current rumours point to the possibility of John Hamm, but only time will tell.

    The season premiere of "Smallville" will air on Friday, September 24.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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