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    Zachary Levi Won't Be Stepping Out of Buy More as Superman

    Rest assured to those burning effigies over Chuck star Zachary Levi donning the red-and-blue suit. No woulda, coulda, shouldas. He ain't gonna be Superman. That manip is the closest you'll see to that happening.

    It's not a surprising revelation (coming from Levi himself to two separate outlets – Buzz Sugar and IGN Movies) because the initial rumors from last month sounded dubious. Speaking to the latter, Levi elaborated on his reaction to first hearing those reports:

    "I start getting these text messages from my friends, saying, 'What is going on? You didn't tell us any of this!' And I'm asking, 'What are you talking about?' I get this link emailed to me from my publicist. She goes, 'Just so you know…' I go check it out, and of course, on the bottom of that article there's all these comments, and every other article that spawned off of that and all the comments on those sites."

    Levi wouldn't have been my choice, but I'll say this in his favor. He fits the criteria for who Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures want as a spokesperson for the character whomever is ultimately cast (something they also had in spades with previous Man of Steel Brandon Routh) – a clean-cut good guy off camera who always a team-player and everyone got along with great.

    His tall and lanky physic is a non-issue too. Levi's is about the same body-type Christopher Reeve was when Dick Donner first met (and initially dismissed) him. Li'l thing called "acting" won out and they made him fit into the role.

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