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    « Viggo Mortensen "Person of Interest" for Zod in Superman | Main | Kevin Costner To Join 'Superman'? »

    Daniel Day-Lewis To Drink Superman's Milkshake

    Earlier in the evening Heat Vision broke the news that Viggo Mortensen was a "person of interest" for the upcoming Superman flick that I have decided I am going to call "Superman Starts". It was either that or "The Adventures Of Superman". The roll that Mortensen is supposedly up for is none other than Mr. Planet Houston himself, Zod.

    Our friends over at Moviehole, after reporting said news and rightfully taking a jab at the Zod redux idea, revealed another contender. According to them, Daniel Day-Lewis is also being considered for a role in "Superman Starts" and they have come to the conclusion that it is General Zod.

    I have to agree with Moviehole here. This doesn't sound all that original, granted it is all in the delivery. Didn't "Superman Returns" essentially remake "Superman: The Movie" while at the same time, act as a vague sequel? Is "Superman Starts" aiming at the same thing, just wearing a different costume? Hard to tell at this stage, because we have so little info, but if it walks like Ursa and smells like Zod...

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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