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    Viggo Mortensen "Person of Interest" for Zod in Superman

    What's that? General Zod isn't the big baddie in Superman: The Man of Steel? Why's that, you say? Oh because its director Zack Snyder gave a non-denial last year and as we all know, filmmakers never, ever lie when the details of their projects leak out. Thank God, I was worried for a minute...

    So the power-hungry Kryptonian general will be duking it out the newly-cemented Man of Steel Henry Cavill in the next year's epic superhero reboot. Heat Vision says director Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan have mutually locked in on a "person of interest" to swing superpowered punches against Supes: Viggo Mortensen.

    Intriguing choice, I'll give them that. I was always leaning towards Eric Bana myself.

    But will they be able to secure the Lord of the Rings alum? Well for one thing, they haven't even met with the guy. He also remains in negotiations for Snow White & the Huntsman for Universal. An even bigger issue is that White will be one of Superman's main box-office competitors as both tentpoles are set for December 2012 releases.

    So despite the optimism of both productions arranging to have their fair share of Viggo – it's going to be one or the other who gets him: not both.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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