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    Kevin Costner is Jonathan Kent!

    Everyone seems to be claiming exclusive on this one, so we're just going to run with the fact that the rumors were in fact true. Kevin Costner will be playing Jonathan Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman. Regarding Costner’s addition to the cast, Snyder had this to say:

    "Jonathan Kent is the only father figure Clark has ever had, the man who was there to help Clark understand what he was meant to do in the world as Superman. Kevin will be able to communicate the quiet strength of this rural American man who raised the greatest super hero of all time."

    This adds a second OSCAR winning/nominated actor to the cast along with Diane Lane. This should be a welcomed addition as Costner appeared to have the support of fans when the rumors started floating. Nolan, Snyder and his crew seem to be aiming high in their choices. Personally I'm glad to see they are casting actors who convey a mix of both classic and modern parts of their characters. It's no stretch for Costner to play a midwestern farmer. It's not hard to imagine him as Jonathan at all. Here's hoping this trend continues. 

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com By Mac McCoy

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