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    « Snyder Can't Shut Up About Superman | Main | Kevin Costner is Jonathan Kent! »

    Breaking: Superman Will Probably Punch Someone In the Face!

    Almost six years ago when I walked out of the theater after Superman Returns I felt ripped off as shit. Not because the movie was awful or Brandon Routh didn't do a good job as Supes, but because Superman the strongest being on earth just had his ass whipped by Kevin Spacey and in retaliation he flew off with an island. Now I don't know about you, but I prefer my Superman to be fucking some shit up. I think he should have dropped that island on kevin Spacey and then attempted to shove a building up his ass, just because he's fucking Superman and that's how he rolls! Seriously though, I think we can all agree Superman is most entertaining and awesome when he gets the chance to be physical.

    Well it looks like we're in luck when it comes to Zack Snyder's reboot, The Man Of Steel. I'm sure it was already pretty damn obvious the man behind 300 and Watchmen wasn't about to sign on for a Superman movie where he didn't get to kick some asses, but just for shits n' giggles the good folks over at Collider felt the need to reassure the fans by asking the man himself, Zack Snyder. What did he have to say when asked whether or not Superman would punch someone in the face, head on over to Collider and check out the the awesome and hilarious video where Snyder gives a little insight.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

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