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    Snyder Can't Shut Up About Superman

    This guy is excited and then some about directing "Superman Starts". He actually has me even more excited just reading his quotes about it.

    First Snyder talked Superman with Music Television while pimping "Sucker Punch" and wouldn't give them much to go on. Video and non answer quote below.

    "...I wish I could talk more about it, but it's a super-secret thing. It's like I'm building the stealth bomber."

    Snyder gave our friends over at Coming Soon a little more to go on in an interview with the director. Of course what was supposed to be the selling the shit out of "Sucker Punch" turned to Superman.

    CS: I really love the fact you've been able to use a lot of the same team from "300" through "Watchmen" and this including Larry Fong and Michael Wilkinson, and we can see how that collaboration evolves. I know your next movie "Superman" will be high-profile but do you think you'll be bringing a lot of them along?

    Snyder: Yeah, you know, I really wanted to, but they're all out on other movies now, so I don't know if they'll be able to, because "Superman" is going so fast that none of my people expected it was going to be so quick and that I'd have another movie up so fast, and "Superman" has come pretty quick. Because they try and get their next geese in line, so I'm kind of having to go to another team for "Superman" but I will be back to my people as soon as I can.

    CS: One thing that's really intriguing is to see you work with Christopher Nolan, because I feel like you have very different sensibilities. I was curious how that would work especially with him doing another movie at the same time. Are you guys finding out that you have similar approaches to thing?

    Snyder: Yeah, I feel like Chris and I, we actually get along really well and Chris is a really interesting guy and he's been incredibly helpful and incredibly supportive. I think he just treats me the way he would want to be treated as far as he just has a lot of respect for other filmmakers. He's an incredible resource on the other hand and he's super-busy but we see each other quite a bit, and it's kind of fun and I think we have a pretty good time.

    CS: I've been reading some of the soundbites that have come out of the junket this weekend, and it's interesting how your career has grown along with the evolution of the internet, the fact that each movie you make just has more and more speculation. Obviously, "Superman" is getting even more attention because it's so high profile, but do you think it's going to surprise people who think they know what to expect from you after your last five movies?

    Snyder: Yeah, I think it will. Actually, that's something I've endeavored from the beginning and one of the first things I said to Chris and Emma was that Superman needs to live in the real world and if I were to do this, it would be me making a more realistic movie, whatever that even means. I've never shot a movie on location or in the real world, it's a weird thing.

    CS: Obviously, it's early to tell and I don't know what your timeframe is, but do you have a date when you're shooting for or is that up in the air until you actually start filming?

    Snyder: For "Superman"? No, we're going to shoot it at the beginning of August.

    CS: But do you have a release date yet? Because at one point, it was going to be released during Christmas time 2012 which is getting pretty crowded.

    Snyder: Oh, for the release? Well, I don't know to be quite honest with you. They're just screwing around with the release. I'm just going to make the movie and let them determine when they're going to put it out. It is Superman after all.

    CS: Any idea when we'll hear more cast announcements for the movie? A lot of people are getting really excited to hear who else will be in it.

    Snyder: I know I think that, too. Soon, soon. I can't say exactly when but I think you should stay tuned. The movie is growing and getting more awesome every day, so it's good.

    CS: Do you think you might do something at Comic-Con this year even though you won't have started shooting by then?

    Snyder: I have the DVD for "Sucker Punch" so I may go anyway.


    Breaking: Superman Will Probably Punch Someone In the Face!

    Almost six years ago when I walked out of the theater after Superman Returns I felt ripped off as shit. Not because the movie was awful or Brandon Routh didn't do a good job as Supes, but because Superman the strongest being on earth just had his ass whipped by Kevin Spacey and in retaliation he flew off with an island. Now I don't know about you, but I prefer my Superman to be fucking some shit up. I think he should have dropped that island on kevin Spacey and then attempted to shove a building up his ass, just because he's fucking Superman and that's how he rolls! Seriously though, I think we can all agree Superman is most entertaining and awesome when he gets the chance to be physical.

    Well it looks like we're in luck when it comes to Zack Snyder's reboot, The Man Of Steel. I'm sure it was already pretty damn obvious the man behind 300 and Watchmen wasn't about to sign on for a Superman movie where he didn't get to kick some asses, but just for shits n' giggles the good folks over at Collider felt the need to reassure the fans by asking the man himself, Zack Snyder. What did he have to say when asked whether or not Superman would punch someone in the face, head on over to Collider and check out the the awesome and hilarious video where Snyder gives a little insight.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com


    Kevin Costner is Jonathan Kent!

    Everyone seems to be claiming exclusive on this one, so we're just going to run with the fact that the rumors were in fact true. Kevin Costner will be playing Jonathan Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman. Regarding Costner’s addition to the cast, Snyder had this to say:

    "Jonathan Kent is the only father figure Clark has ever had, the man who was there to help Clark understand what he was meant to do in the world as Superman. Kevin will be able to communicate the quiet strength of this rural American man who raised the greatest super hero of all time."

    This adds a second OSCAR winning/nominated actor to the cast along with Diane Lane. This should be a welcomed addition as Costner appeared to have the support of fans when the rumors started floating. Nolan, Snyder and his crew seem to be aiming high in their choices. Personally I'm glad to see they are casting actors who convey a mix of both classic and modern parts of their characters. It's no stretch for Costner to play a midwestern farmer. It's not hard to imagine him as Jonathan at all. Here's hoping this trend continues. 

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com By Mac McCoy


    How Soon Till We See Henry Cavill In Suit as Superman?

    First impressions go a long way, and month or so after his hiring, Warner Brothers wisely threw new Superman Henry Cavill in the spotlight chatting it up with the press. It was a 180 from how Brandon Routh was kept shrouded in secrecy during the making of Superman Returns.

    Though we're far from its December 2012 release and it's too early to take this as Gospel, reactions from general public type has been positive so far to Cavill. Where he has the advantage is his lack of, what I call, "new guy" syndrome. Having to be the first actor to occupy an iconic role after the most famous, recognizable one; that happened to Routh and George Lazenby and it's also a direction I think new Spider-Man Andrew Garfield is sadly headed in.

    Most of their judgment is probably reserved until they get their first official look at the British actor as Superman. Speaking to Hero Complex, director Zack Snyder reveals the time of his unveiling in the newly-done suit could be sooner rather than later:

    "I asked if Snyder had anything he could share about the costume that Cavill will wear. 'I can't say — although I appreciate the question. I’d love to talk about it. We're going to have to show it before we shoot, probably a while before that because [otherwise] someone will be on the set and get a picture of it.'"

    My TMT partner-in-crime Peter and I were talking about this awhile back, and I recall presenting the idea of an early showcasing of the new suit. So this remark confirms those suspicions. Again, it's all about getting the word of a new Superman out as soon and as loud as possible.


    Superman: The Motion Picture Anthology Blu-ray Boxset Announced

    The TMT offices (if we had any) are almost certainly bugged.  First, Shane Black gets hired to write and direct 'Iron Man 3' fresh off Jamie's recommendation and now Warner Home Video have announced that the Christopher Reeve Superman films (The Movie, II, III, & IV: The Quest For Peace) as well as the Bryan Singer directed 'Superman Returns' will finally be released on Blu-ray this summer in a box set which looks spookily similar to something I pitched last year right here.

    I kid of course, it has nothing to do with me but it is a little surprising to see the series getting the box set treatment so far away from the release of the Zach Synder directed 'Superman: The Man of Steel' coming for December 2012.  Just in case you are getting excited about this one, you may want to bear that in mind.  This release may just be a stop-gap to some sort of 'be all, end all' set being released next year.

    As per our good friends at 'The Digital Bits' here, all we know at the moment is that the box set will contain the five previous Superman films.  There is no confirmation at all on what sort of new or old bonus material will be included, or even if both versions of 'Superman II' (the Richard Lester and Richard Donner cuts) will be available.  At the very least, we could hope to finally see the infamous 'Return to Krypton' sequence from 'Superman Returns' as well as a dedicated documentary on the development of the Superman Lives project entitled 'What were they thinking?'

    'Superman: The Motion Picture Anthology (1978-2006)' Blu-ray has a confirmed UK release date of 13th June.  No US release date has been announced but the set will be region-free because WB don't believe in that bullshit called region coding.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com By Phil Gee

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