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    Cavill Looks Super On The Cover Of EW

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    This weeks Cover Of EW features the new Superman himself Henry Cavill looking like a hero in a leather jacket with the Superman \S/ peaking out on a washed out t-shirt. You can't say the guy doesn't look the part of a modern day Superman. Not a doubt in my mind we are going to be witnessing a totally different version of Superman on screen. You put Welling, Routh, & Reeve in the same room and you can tell they're trying out for the same part. Not this guy.

    All this talk about script problems and issues with Snyder, stop it. This movie is happening with Snyder at the helm and Cavill with a cape on. No amount of attempts at bad press is going to halt that. The Brothers Nolan and The Brothers Warner are like the giant rolling boulder chasing down the competition, you can out run it but you can't stop it. See you December 2012.

    Cavill On Putting On The Suit During The Screen Test

    All I could think was: Oh, god. They’re going to look at me and go ‘He’s not Superman. Not a chance.’ The actor inside me was going: You’re not ready! You’re not ready!” 

    Snyder On Seeing Cavill In The Test Suit

    “Other actors put that suit on, and it’s a joke, even if they’re great actors. Henry put it on, and he exuded this kind of crazy-calm confidence that just made me go ‘Wow.’ Okay: This was Superman.’”

    All's Not Great on the 'Superman' Front

    You know, I heard this back when Zack Snyder was first announced, and I did my best to dismiss it through logic, but after hearing this now, months after Snyder was hired, I'm starting to think it's true.

    In Vulture's exclusive report on Guy Ritchie being offered the 300 sequel, Xerxes, they state while the intial plan was to have Snyder direct the follow-up to his 2006 hit, Warner Bros. ultimately had a change of heart.  The possible reason? Superman.

    One theory is that Warner Bros. needs Snyder to bear down on Superman stat: Insiders say the closely-guarded script for Superman suffers from major third-act problems, and the studio faces a ticking clock on that franchise, legally speaking; if a Superman film isn’t in production by 2013, Warner Bros. loses the rights to the entire Superman franchise and would have to re-license it from its original creators — the estates of Detective Comics writers Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster — at great if not prohibitive expense.

    Call me an optimist, but no matter how many times I hear about the poor nature of this script, I can't help but remember who sheparded this whole project: Christopher Nolan.  Yes, he's busy working on The Dark Knight Rises right now as the man has complete tunnel vision when working on a film.  But it doesn't excuse the fact that he oversaw this project until he handed it off to Snyder.  I can't imagine Nolan putting his name on something that's not to the highest quality.

    Don't forget too, this thing ain't suppose to start filming until July.  As I stated many times, Snyder and whoever else is working on this film have been given a solid eight months to get this thing into shape.  I think that's more than enough time to work out the kinks.

    We shall see.

    Originally Published By John DiNicola @ ThinkMcflyThink.Com


    And Then There Was One: Alice Eve For Superman?

    It wasn't even a week ago that The Trades reported three contenders for a role in the Superman reboot; Alice Eve, Diane Kruger and Rosamund Pike. The Trades were very clear that the role these actresses were up for was not Lois Lane. Cue mass panic across forums and websites, "WTF!? Loiz Lanes not in teh Supermanz?!" Rumors were abound as to what character these blonde bombshells from across the pond would be playing. We heard every character from Cat Grant to Lana Lang. That was until Latino Review followed the story up with news that the role was actually for the curvaceous Kryptonian Ursa. What's up "Superman 2"? Long time no see.

    Now The Trades are reporting that Diane Kruger is penciled in to start in the French Revolution drama, "Les Adieux a la reine". Kruger is in line to play Marie Antoinette in the feature length drama about the French Revolution. The flick is based of a novel and "is told from the point of Marie Antoinette's reader", whatever the hell that means. Did I mention Gerard Depardieu is in this flick? Yes, that just happened. So this move looks like it leaves Diane Kruger out of the running for Superman, which I she flat out denied her involvement in anyway.

    On top of the Kruger news, TOLDJA! is reporting that Rosamund Pike is indeed going to start in a blockbuster Warner Bros movie, but no, it isn't Superman. Pike will be inserted into the role of Andromeda in the sequel to "Clash Of The Titans". Doesn't look like she'll be sharing the screen with Henry Cavill instead she will opt for screen time with one Sam Worthington. The funny thing is she will actually be replacing Alexa Davlos who played the role of Andromeda in "Clash Of The Titans". So it looks like there is only one actress left?

    The buxom Alice Eve looks like she is still available for a role in Superman. Whether it is Ursa or not remains to be seen. If you want to go on looks alone, I am seeing Cat Grant or to a lesser degree Lana Lang. To me it sounds like Kruger and Pike just found out they didn't land the role and moved on to their back up plans. In Pike's case WB instead offered her the "Clash of the Titans" sequel. This could mean that Eve has indeed landed the role, or it has gone to another actress yet to be named. Either that or none of these actresses were involved in the first place. Eve as Cat Grant or Ursa? Lohan as Lana Lang? Biel as Lois Lane? Weeding through all these rumors should be a job for Superman.


    Lindsay Lohan Wants To Fly With Superman

    This is sort of a secret, but for the good of this article, I am going to reveal it to everybody. I am a huge fan of "Mean Girls". I have probably seen it at least three dozen times. My girlfriend thinks I have completely lost my mind considering the excitement I have any time I see it on TBS or some other station that repeats movies over and over again. Why wouldn't you want to soak in the eye candy that is Rachel McAdams, Lace Chabert, & Amanday Seyfried, and  of course Lindsay Lohan while laughing it up at their expense? Tina Fey brought the noise while adapting the script and now my deep dark secret is out for all to see.

    Lohan has had her ups and downs since then. Her acting career has become something as a joke, her weight has plummeted to unhealthy standards, and let's not forget her "Duke Boys" like trouble with the law. Despite all that, TMZ has floated out a rumor that Lohan has been in constant contact with the powers that be to secure a role in the next Superman flick. Anything is possible at this point, so it's tough to come out and say, "No way this could be true!" I never thought Henry Cavill would be up for the role of Superman, never mind cast, I was flat out told he wouldn't by people at The Brothers Warner. Sweet contacts. Thanks guys.

    If it isn't Lois Lane, and could still be a major character there are several choices. Lohan would make for pretty spot on Lana Lang looks wise, almost as if she has stepped off the pages of the comic themselves. If not Lana, maybe Cat Grant, a gossip columnist who flirts it up with Clark Kent at The Daily Planet. Other possibilities include the Kryptonian villianess Ursa (doubtful) or Mercy, one of Lex Luthor's bodyguards and occasional bang buddy. If Robert Downey Jr. and now Charlie Sheen can live all of their nine lives, maybe LiLo can as well. 


    Has Jessica Biel Already Been Cast In Superman?

    I can't even wrap my mind around all of the info that is flying around in regards to the upcoming Superman reboot. Front and center is the news and rumors being tossed against the wall involving the female lead along side Henry Cavill.

    First we heard that Kristen Stewart was involved on some level, then we heard she wasn't. Then we heard that along with Stewart, Malin Akerman, Dianna Argon, Jessica Biel, and Rachel McAdams were up for Lois. After that came the news that Olivia Wilde was also in the running. Next we were hit with the news that Alice Eve, Diane Kruger and Rosamund Pike were up for the female lead and it wasn't Lois. Assumptions were launched that Lois wasn't in the film until we heard today that the three blonde bombshells were vying for the role of Ursa. I'm tired just typing it.

    Is it possible that one of these fine ladies has already landed a role in the next Superman film and it just hasn't been announced yet? Come fly with me as I speculate.

    On February 1st "Complacent Film" tweeted that Jessica Biel was spotted wining and dining with Zack Snyder.

    The next day, February 1st, Biel was spotted leaving a medical center in Beverly Hills. Could it be possible that while enjoying a nice lunch with Snyder she found out she landed a role in Superman pending a physical? When an actor is or is about to be cast in a role they have to take a physical for insurance purposes. Is this the case with Biel, or is her lunch with Snyder a fantasy and her medical exam simply a routine check up?

    Call it speculation or connecting the dots, but it is interesting nonetheless.

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