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    Who Did Henry Cavill Beat Out for Superman Gig?

    I can no longer call Henry Cavill the "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" of franchises after his surprising (for multiple reasons) casting as the new Superman. But I'll tip my hat to his devoted fans that got their wish and fully admit that I blew it on this one.

    Interesting to note how (similar to Cavill's Kryptonian predecessor Brandon Routh) we were spared months worth of official short-lists and so forth. Just boom, here's the guy – end of story, let's get going. But that doesn't mean we can't find out after the fact.

    Heat Vision has the details. In typical Christopher Nolan fashion, things were so secretive on casting only a handful of top WB executives knew what was going down. As for who we can add to the "Coulda beens" list of Kal-Els, Matthew Goode, who’d been rumored a few months back, was in fact the Runner-Up. He even went as far to jump out of the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter race to focus his attention to sporting the red-and-blue trunks.

    Other contenders ranged from the expected Armie Hammer and Joe Manganiello to Colin O'Donaghue (co-starring in this weekend's box-office champ The Rite) to another epic "WOOOOW" surprise in Matthew Bomer – not a knock against him, mind you.

    How long till we find out who the new Lois Lane is?

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    Henry Cavill is Superman!

    Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures announced today that Henry Cavill has won the coveted role of Superman, the iconic superhero.

    The film will be directed by Zack Snyder, who stated, “In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be a part of his return to the big screen.  I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry.  He is the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield.”

    Charles Roven, Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder are the producers of the film.  The screenplay is being written by David S. Goyer based on a story by Goyer and Nolan.  Thomas Tull and Lloyd Phillips are serving as executive producers.

    Cavill recently wrapped production on “The Cold Light of Day” and stars in the upcoming “Immortals,” opening this fall.

    Targeted for release in December 2012, the new Superman movie will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

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    Armie Hammer Talks Superman On Opie & Anthony

    There has been a lot of buzz surrounding Armie Hammer since his turn in "The Social Network" as twins Cameron Winklevoss & Tyler Winklevoss. Hammer didn't stop with the six-time Golden Globe nominated "The Social Network" he's already set to star in another film that could have some award worthy legs. He is set to play Clyde Tolson in Eastwood's "J Edgar". Tolson was the associated director of the FBI and Hoover's gay lover.

    According to SlashFilm Hammer took his show on the road and talked up his experience on the set of "The Social Network" with Opie and Anthony. After going over his Facebook inspired experience Hammer was asked what was going on in regards to his possible candidacy for the upcoming Superman film. Hammer indicated that he "didn't think he was going to get it."

    This could mean a number of things. Hammer was a candidate and his now talking openly about it because he is out. On the other side of the cape, could mean he is playing coy and is still involved and has the role. Choose your own adventure.


    Superman Concept Art Surfaces

    As the Nolan Bros meets Warner Bros version of Superman starts to heat up with a little help from Zack Snyder artwork from a previous incarnation of Superman has surfaced. The FX Guru himself Steve Johson has posted 4 different Superman suit designs on His Facebook Page.

    The album is labeled "Bryan Singer Superman Concepts", whch makes little to no sense once you view the pictures. A couple of the shots feature the word "Flyby" emblazoned on them. As any Superman fan worth their salt knows, this was the working title for the JJ. Abrams script that Ratner was fronting for a minute.

    Also, don't forget to check out what looks like Doomsday concept art above.


    A Comment On The Whole Superman Script Mess

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    Well, I have to say my morning was pretty good until I did my usual film website readings and saw this story going around the net regarding the fact that David Goyer's script for the new Superman film is apparently a mess.  I was even more irked by the fact that reportedly Zack Snyder wasn't even the first choice to direct the flick and that Darren Aronofsky and Ben Affleck passed on the project because of the quality of the script, or lack thereof.  Let me just say this loud and clear so everyone gets this through their heads...BS!

    Now I know what you're all thinking, what does this contributing writer to ThinkMcFlyThink (the future of movie news, by the way), know about the new Superman project?  Well I'll be honest, nothing.  I have no clue what's going on behind the scenes at Burbank.  What I do have though is something called logical thinking.  Let me explain.

    1) The first news of David Goyer writing the new Superman film, with Christopher Nolan producing, was reported way back on exactly February 24th.  Today is October 6th.  That is nearly 8 months since the initial story broke.  I don't know about you, but 8 months to me seems like more than enough time to get a script 'right' and not rush it.  Not to mention, Goyer had already talked the story over with Nolan weeks before the initial announcement, so we're talking more like 9 months in actuality.

    2) Christopher Nolan is the 'godfather' behind this project.  Has the man ever done anything that wasn't quality and screamed "I took my time with this"?  No.  Never.  The man would not put his talents behind a project (along with his wife, Emma Thomas) and move forward when it wasn't ready to be put into production.

    3) One bit of news that everyone is forgetting from the initial announcement of Goyer writing the Superman film is that Jonah Nolan was working on the script as well.  Now, I'm not saying Jonah was as involved as Goyer in putting the story together, but I guarantee the guy took a pass at the script.  Goyer, Chris, and Jonah are like a team now with whatever they do.  They should be nicknamed' The Brothers Nolan and Dave.'  No?

    4) While it can be argued that Aronosfky and Affleck are better quality filmmakers than Snyder, you're forgetting one thing.  Those two have nearly zero experience with special effects and large budgets.  Snyder does.  Even though his films might lack substance and emphasize style, he knows how to make a big budget flick.  He's been there.  Just like in sports.  Would you go with the talented rookie who's never been in a pressure situation before, or go with the seasoned veteran who knows how to get the job done?  Exactly.

    5) If there's one thing Warner Bros. has shown over the past 5 years or so, it is that they are committed to bringing high quality comic-book movies to the silver screen.  Green Lantern was in-development for well over 3 years before the Martin Campbell directed flick even went into production.  Now I know WB has a deadline for Superman, but I can't imagine them rushing a flick so quickly to the point that if it fails, it won't matter if they retained the rights anyway.

    This is all just my opinion, and I know others will have theirs it what is happening right now with the new Superman flick, but before anyone calls panic on what is happening, just take a deep break, relax, and think about the situation for a second.  That's what I did.

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