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    Superman Auditions Commence Next Month

    Didn't get your fill of Superman: The Man of Steel info for now? You need not worry. We're only half-way through the week and there's plenty more to spread around.

    Now that we have a story (though the shape of its script is in question), director (Zack Snyder) and release date (Christmas 2012), we need a young chap to wear the red-and-blue suit as the new Kal-El. Just who the Hell will that be?

    What's Playing says auditioning for Clark Kent and his big-blue-scout alter ego (or the other way around depending on your interpretation of the character) starts next month with "names preferred" as the objective. Their casting agency source goes as far to say they expect "a big name" sporting that iconic S symbol on his chest (Jon Hamm, perhaps?)

    Then again, these roles are typically filled by lesser-to-flat out-unknown actors (usually because they're cheap and willing to commit to a multiple-picture deal). So it's no surprise to hear possible candidates to headline the franchise include "the dead boyfriend on Damages" (Noah Bean) and "the True Blood guy" (could be any number of folks, but I'm guessing Joe Manganiello as he's made it publicly known his desire to play Supes for awhile now).

    It wasn't too terribly long between Bryan Singer coming aboard for Superman Returns and the casting of Brandon Routh (who'd long been on WB's radar). Curious to see how quickly the studio and filmmakers lock down our next cinematic Man of Steel.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com


    Goyers Superman Treatment A Mess?

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    It wasn't all that long when David Goyer had reportedly pitched the idea for the Superman reboot to Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros

    as finding a modern way to approach the character. Warner Brothers being under a serious time restraint due to the lawsuit with the heirs to characters creators decided to move forward with Goyers pitch. They commissioned him to write a treatment and speculation began as to who would direct, who would star and where the story would take place.

    Cut to yesterday and we now know that the incredibly talented Zack Fuckin' Snyder is directing and General Zod most notably from the second Superman film will be the main villain. Snyder was quoted by TOLDJA! as saying:

    “It’s early yet, but I can tell you that what David and Chris have done with the story so far definitely has given me a great insight into a way to make him feel modern. I’ve always felt he was kind of awesome.”
    As far as the franchise is now concerned you would assume it couldn't be in better hands with a presumably awesome treatment from Goyer handed in and Snyder on board to direct not to mention Nolan producing. However a report from Vulture recently published would suggest otherwise.

    They have
    learned that the story will follow Clark Kent, a journalist traveling the world “trying to decide if he should, in fact, even become Superman.” Which sounds entirely opposite of the previous statements from either Nolan or Goyer regarding the direction the film would take. Goyer was previously quoted as saying that the film would involve an established Superman with no mention what so ever of an origin story, but Vulture suggests The pitch isn’t too far off from a twelve-issue comic book limited series called Superman: Birthright DC Comics released in 2003 and 2004. Written by Mark Waid and drawn by Leinil Francis Yu, the story attempted to retell the Superman origin story for the 21st century. In the story. Clark Kent is a freelance reporter in his early twenties, traveling the world to cover news stories. While covering an ethnic conflict between the fictional Ghuri and Turaaba clans in West Africa, he is forced to use his super powers to attain a fleeing assassin. This results in Kent returning to Smallville to learn more about his alien heritage and make the decision to become Superman.

    The report also suggested that Goyers treatment was a bit of a mess as it was rushed. Apparently Snyder being brought on board was due to The studio needing a new Superman movie in production by 2011 before they could potentially lose the rights to the current film franchise.

    I wouldn't assume Vulture would publish a complete BS report with out any validity to it, but their story almost has too many holes in it to not be brought into question. I think it was already obvious Snyder would be rewriting and/or adding additional writing regardless of the treatment in place if anything just to put his own touches on the film. The report however suggests that Goyer's treatment was nearly incompetent to the point that they rushed out to find a director to fix it to avoid delaying the production any further. What bothers me about this is that Goyer has had a hand in writing both Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and the forthcoming Batman 3 all of which have been under the supervision of Nolan. Now would Nolan have agreed to come on board the project and at that moved forward with casting and the addition of a director if the treatment wasn't already up to snuff, I seriously doubt it.

    I don't for a second doubt that Snyder will put together a high quality project in a timely manner, but I would seriously doubt this was the sole reason behind him being hired. I'm expecting Warner Bros will release a new press release within the next few days as damage control regardless of the validity behind Vultures report. For now this is something I'll be taking with a grain of salt, but I could be wrong in which case I only hope we at least receive something a notch above what Superman Returns did for the character.


    Zack & Nolan Make A Superman

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    I didn't think this would happen so quickly, but here we are with a little help from the scoopers over at TOLDJA! The Brothers Warner and The Brothers Nolan along with the good people at Legendary Pictures have selected Zack Snyder as the director of the new "Superman" film.

    Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas were at the forefront of the director "auditions" and Snyder beat out other worthy opponents including; Tony Scott, Matt Reeves, Jonathan Liebesman, and Duncan Jones.

    I have to say I do not think that Snyder is as inspired a choice as Jones or even Reeves, but this guy will bring the action and the visuals, that you can't argue. Directing another person's vision, ie Team Nolan, could help the process.

    Snyder also brings geek-cred to the table, with both "300" and "Watchmen" under his belt.  Although "Watchmen" didn't really bring the noise for the general public, see it's low box office versus the big budget. That being said Snyder did a lot with short money and green screen for "300", look for more of the same here.

    Here is what Snyder had to say about the subject:

    "I've been a big fan of the character for a long time, he's definitely the king of all superheroes, he's the one. It's early yet, but I can tell you that what David [Goyer] and Chris [Nolan] have done with the story so far definitely has given me a great insight into a way to make him feel modern. I've always felt he was kind of awesome. I'll finish 'Sucker Punch' and get right at it."

    So it begins. Now the question is, who will be donning the cape?


    Aronofsky In On Superman, Affleck Is Out

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    Last week the not so movie blog friendly but on the ball people at Toldja! reported that Warner Bros & Legendary had a short list of directors they were meeting or have met with for the upcoming Superman film. Reportedly producers Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas were face to facing it with Matt Reeves, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Zack Synder, and Tony Scott. You can add another name or two to that list.

    According to the left coast reporters over at the LA Times, Nolan's WB is also hot on Darren Aronofsky to direct the new Superman flick. Aronofsky is creating a lot of hoopla with the upcoming "Black Swan" and would fit with what the studio and Team Nolan are looking for. A director who can handle character driven films with high production value but are still "controllable." The geek in us remember that Aronofsky almost directed a Frank Miller inspired Batman film about a decade ago. The circle of life?

    While Aronofsky is still in talks, it seems that Ben Affleck's discussion with the studio has now ended. The actor/writer/director is no longer pursuing the gig. Apparently the studio loves them some Affleck, especially after the performance of "The Town" in the minds of critics and the general public. Imagine that, Affleck played Superman "Hollywoodland" and directing a new Superman flick? Eerie.

    It's funny, the forums were a buzz with suggestions of Affleck directing Supes. Looks like they are ahead of the game.


    Matt Reeves Plays Coy About Superman

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    Another director who found themselves on "The List" of directors being considered for the new Superman flick has responded to the news. The good guys over at JoBlo caught up with Matt Reeves in Austin while there for the debut of "Let Me In" at Fantastic Fest.

    The first Reeves said he heard of his attachment to Superman was when a fan came up to him at Fantastic Fest and told him about it. "I was surprised," he told us in an interview that will air next week on the AITH Podcast. "I really have no idea if any of that is true. It's certainly an amazing project, but I would be surprised..."

    To me Reeves was playing this very close to the vest, almost tongue-in-cheek if you go strictly by the quote. I mean he could have the gig, he could have been involved two months ago but not now, he could be still up for it. Who knows? Good thing is that there is finally some news.

    Reeves does seem to be a very likely candidate. I love Duncan Jones for the gig, but I wouldn't mind Matt Reeves either, and it makes a lot of sense. If you remember, his name was brought up with "Wolverine

    2" as well. Plus his last name is Reeves. Come on. George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, maybe it's fate?

    So far two of the directors on "The List" have responded to this news, let's see if the remaining three are game.