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    Duncan Jones Talks Superman Via Twitter

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    I have to say, when I read the list of possible Superman director candidates yesterday, I was pleased as punch to see that Duncan Jones was on there. I absolutely loved "Moon" and for me, it would be interesting to see him get the opportunity to bring Superman back to theaters.

    Today Duncan Jones acknowledged the report via His Twitter Account:

    Of course the tweet was pulled soon after, but through the magic of the interwebs, it still exists somewhere in cyberspace.  While we're at it, Duncan, if you're about casting Selleck as Pa Kent if you get the gig?


    Superman: The Search For A Director

    Originall Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com

    I know many of the readers of our site and geekdom in general have hearts that are racing just a little faster upon hearing there are some possible directors in the running for the upcoming "Superman" film. Finally there is some news of substance concerning the Man of Steel.

    TOLDJA! is reporting that Chris Nolan and his trusty sidekick Emma Thomas are red boot deep in the search for a "Superman" director. The dynamic duo are meeting with candidates and will present their choice to The Brothers Warner & Legendary Pictures in the next several weeks.

    On the short list are Tony Scott, Matt Reeves, Jonathan Liebesman, Duncan Jones, and Zack Snyder.  Zack Snyder (Watchmen) and Tony Scott (Use IMDB) are the big dogs on the list, along with Matt Reeves.  I personally would love to see Duncan Jones get the gig,  I loved "Moon". My money however is on Jonathan Liebesman but that is only if something happened with him and the "Clash Of The Titans" sequel or by some miracle he could fit it in.

    Keep in mind, in the end it could be none of the directors on this list, which we've seen time and time again through past casting news on several films. Buckle up, this will certainly ignite more news.


    Zachary Levi Won't Be Stepping Out of Buy More as Superman

    Rest assured to those burning effigies over Chuck star Zachary Levi donning the red-and-blue suit. No woulda, coulda, shouldas. He ain't gonna be Superman. That manip is the closest you'll see to that happening.

    It's not a surprising revelation (coming from Levi himself to two separate outlets – Buzz Sugar and IGN Movies) because the initial rumors from last month sounded dubious. Speaking to the latter, Levi elaborated on his reaction to first hearing those reports:

    "I start getting these text messages from my friends, saying, 'What is going on? You didn't tell us any of this!' And I'm asking, 'What are you talking about?' I get this link emailed to me from my publicist. She goes, 'Just so you know…' I go check it out, and of course, on the bottom of that article there's all these comments, and every other article that spawned off of that and all the comments on those sites."

    Levi wouldn't have been my choice, but I'll say this in his favor. He fits the criteria for who Warner Brothers/Legendary Pictures want as a spokesperson for the character whomever is ultimately cast (something they also had in spades with previous Man of Steel Brandon Routh) – a clean-cut good guy off camera who always a team-player and everyone got along with great.

    His tall and lanky physic is a non-issue too. Levi's is about the same body-type Christopher Reeve was when Dick Donner first met (and initially dismissed) him. Li'l thing called "acting" won out and they made him fit into the role.


    Tom Welling Finally Dons The Cape

    With the hugely successful series Smallville finally coming to a close after its 10th season this year. The question on everyone's mind is will Clark finally become Superman. Well according to Tom Welling , it will finally happen.

    In an interview with The Flickcast Welling was asked about finally becoming the man of steel and he revealed "Yeah, that's the plan, I don't know how they're going to do it, but I know that inevitably, that's where we get to."

    His thoughts on the superman costume and what it means to be finally be wearing it:

    "[The Superman costume] looks good, I wasn't there when they shot it on set. I was actually on another stage shooting something else. But I know what it looks like."

    "I think it's a huge responsibility for Clark and for me, And hopefully, we can get to a place where the fans feel as though we did everything that we could. We serviced the character the way that will make them all happy."

    Welling also responded to the long standing rumor that he would play Superman on the big screen once the show had concluded:

    "I've always been open to the idea. It's not as simple as everyone would like to think. It's not as simple as me wanting to do it or not wanting to do it, I know that a lot of people want to jump on me or jump on Warner Brothers. It's just not that simple. So there's a lot of elements that have to come together."

    Which basically translates to he would love to do it sure, but he knows damn well it's not going to happen. I would like to think this puts the rumor to bed, but I know his response will only be taken out of context and dragged out by fan boys for the next year. We won't hear the end of it until we know who will in fact be cast as the new Man of Steel. Current rumours point to the possibility of John Hamm, but only time will tell.

    The season premiere of "Smallville" will air on Friday, September 24.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com


    WB Considering Jon Hamm for Superman

    Christopher Nolan is producing, David Goyer writing and Jonah Nolan possibly helming. That's enough to get fans excited and what not, but it doesn’t answer the question everyone wants to know, "Who will be the new Superman?"

    With plans set for a December 2012 release, we've heard different names out in the open ranging from Chuck star Zachary Levi in the "Rumor Mill" department to True Blood actor Joe Manganiello publicly campaigning for the role. But who do the studios (in this case, Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures) have their eye on for mild-mannered Clark Kent and his red-and-blue suit wearing alter ego, or is it the other way around?

    Sources tell TMT one such actor being "seriously considered" is Mad Men star Jon Hamm.

    At thirty-nine (He'd be past forty when The Man of Steel opens), he's certainly older than who's regularly looked at for these franchises. Then again, look at Robert Downey Jr. He's starring in the Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes films (and then there's Avengers) and he's a few years older. Not to mention, Hamm happens to have been a fan-favorite for Kal-El for years now. Something that was suggested to him directly by Music Television and it wasn't like he immediately dismissed the notion.

    Before anyone starts nerdgasming, keep in mind no deal is in place and there's no indication Hamm and/or his representation has met with WB, Legendary or the Nolan crew. He's one of several names being thrown around the Burbank offices to headline the new Superman franchise. But it gives you an idea of what direction they're looking at.

    Originally Posted On ThinkMcflyThink.Com